Frequently Asked Questions

On this page you will find frequently asked questions about how we help you and your loved ones with Military Benefits.  Contact us for additional questions.

If a person serves in the military and is a veteran that possibly has a service-related injury or disease, then the person would qualify for the Veteran Affairs (VA) Disabilities Compensation. The compensation and pension benefit also assist veterans that have a disability or disease that happened while on active duty, made worse by the active military service, or due to or the result of a service-connected disease.

Numerous Veterans are not aware of the number of disabilities recognized by the VA as compensatory. This leaves the option for an injury or disease you may having been suffering from for years to become service connected that may or may not be of record. For example, Veteran Affairs (VA) is able to service connect an injury on a presumption basis, which many veterans are entitled too. Contact our accredited team to review your case and make that determination.

No problem, it is the VA’s duty to obtain your military records. Also, we can help you obtain a copy of your military records. Nonetheless, the process of claiming your military disability does not need your records to start the process.

The length of time it takes to receive a decision depends on several factors, such as the complexity of your disability(ies), the number of disabilities you claim, and the availability of evidence needed to decide your claim.

If the VA adjudicates a rating for multiple conditions this rating is called a “combined” rating.

The VA uses what is known as a combined ratings table to determine your rating. This means that a person’s efficiency is determined first by the most disabling—or highest individually rated condition—and then by less disabling conditions ranked in order of severity.

For example, if you have two service-connected disabilities, neck injury and a right knee injury, rated at 50% each. Normally, 50% plus 50% would equal 100%, but this veteran’s total disability rating is listed as 80%.

In this case, the VA takes 100 (representing a whole efficient person) and subtracts the highest individually rated condition (knee at 50%). This means the veteran is initially considered 50% disabled and 50% efficient.

100% whole efficient person – 50% = 50%

The veteran’s neck injury is also rated at 50%, but no longer at 50% of the whole efficient person. Instead, the neck injury rating is subtracted from the remaining efficiency of 50%. 50% remaining efficient person – 50% = 25% So only 25% (for the neck injury) is added to the first 50% (for the right knee). 50% (right knee) + 25% (neck injury) = 75% combined disability rating VA rounds the combined disability rating up to the nearest 10, so 75% becomes 80% total disability. Please see the calculator in our resources section.

Yes, we assist worldwide and have assisted many Veterans overseas.